Once upon a time before Africa was called Africa, way before the great pyramids protruded from the mother continent, a wise King named Kush ruled over all the lands.

From the mountains of the North to the shores of the South, from the East to the ends of the West, his Kingdom was vast and prosperous.

He had no children to succeed him and he was getting old. His throne was situated at the heart of the continent near the great Mountain Ngaoui, which is today known as the Central African Republic.

One day, while sitting on his throne, and laying his head for a rest, King Kush had a dream. He saw a whirlwind spinning around and around. Out of the whirlwind, a deep voice bellowed;

The wise King understood the dream. He commissioned the best-skilled men and women of the land to take his crown and forge it with precious stones from every corner of the African continent. He commanded that the crown to be hidden somewhere in Mountain Ngaoui. He then made this decree at his deathbed.

“Here is the road to Kingdom.
Kush shall disappear along with his wisdom.
Crushed is the North.
Split shall be the East.
The West is gone.
Scattered are the Southern seas.
56 lands shall rise
But who shall unite?
One of the 4 regions shall be wise.
Many shall bow
At the feet of the King
Who wears the hidden crown
The nations are united and bound.”

Whoever has the wisdom to know the 56 lands, let then come for the crown of Kush. Their knowledge is their power, their treasure is their Kingdom.”
